Thursday, October 16, 2008

Looking Presidential

One of these two men will be the next president of the United States of America. Who will you vote for?


Anonymous said...

OMG! Where is that from - please, please, please tell me that is a photoshop job!

Anonymous said...

I suppose it could be but having seen Mc Cain do that tongue routine in other circumstances I don't think this was a photoshop job. He did it on the David Letterman show but in the end who cares.

I For One..... said...

It is absolutely NOT a Photoshop (a fabulous product made by my husband's company) job. I saw him do this right after the debate. He got confused and didn't know which way to exit the stage with respect to the desk at which they were sitting. This is McCain's jokey face. As I told Joanna, I believe he is channeling a dark lizard under lord. Many many flies met their sad demise during the debate. Each time his tongue shot out, I felt the need to make a slurping noise of my own and bid a speedy godsend to the little buggers' souls. I may not have become more informed about the candidates, but goddammit if I didn't have a greater familiarity with the contours of McCain tongue.

Steve said...

That is an amazing photo, and as much a testament to McCain's awkwardness as it is to the ubiquity of the ever-rolling camera. Nothing goes unnoticed these days. The photographer who captured this indelible moment was fortunate in his positioning. Kind of like winning a photographic lottery. News agencies are extremely sensitive the Photoshop issue these days and it quite unlikely that anyone would risk their reputation trying to doctor a political photo.

Anonymous said...

After watching McCain come across as funny and likable on the Al Smith roast last night I felt kind of sorry that the photo got taken. Nevertheless when Joe the Plumber came up again in his speeches today my sympathy swiftly vanished.

I For One..... said...

Regardless of how you feel about the candidates, this picture just keeps on being funny, no matter how many times you look at it.

Steve said...

Here's an interesting tidbit I picked up from reading the NYTimes this morning. When a woman at a recent McCain rally told him that she thought Obama was "an Arab", McCain replied: "no, ma’am, he’s a decent family man.”

What is the subtext there? That the class of Arabs is mutually exclusive with the class of decent family men. I'm sure there's at least 1 decent family man out there who is also Arab. It's this kind of shallow thinking by the McCain ticket and party that really scares me.