Thursday, October 30, 2008

Is Political Sign Vandalism the Answer?

There has been a great deal of cross talk in the press and non-mainstream media about supporters of the McCain campaign being badly behaved. I think it's safe to say that, accurate or not, there have been fewer reports about the antics of Democratic supporters. Perhaps this is because we liberals have taken a more covert approach to voicing our opinions. No appearing on camera calling the other guy a terrorist, socialist or similar political epithet. Our style is more along the lines of lawn sign vandalism or out right theft.

Here in the quiet, unassuming little town of San Jose a rash of incidents have been reported by proponents of Proposition 8. It began with the simple theft of lawn signs, but then escalated. The Mercury News reported that one couple whose sign was repeatedly stolen, placed a large Yes on 8 banner on their garage. In response, an SUV with the words "bigots live here" lettered on the back window and an arrow indicating the proper residence was parked for several days in front of their home. Another family not only had their sign stolen, but their car was spray painted as well.

Now a southern California man is fighting back. When his McCain/Palin banner was repeatedly stolen from his front yard he rigged the sign up with an electrical charge, courtesy of a pet fence, then trained a video camera on the sign. He didn't have to wait long before a nine-year-old boy, Obama/Biden sign (presumably to replace the offending banner) clutched in his sweaty paw, got the shock of his life. Not long after, the boy's mother showed up, demanding to know why her son had been electrocuted.

Why do I relate these stories here on my rabidly Democratic-leaning little blog? Because they nicely illustrate that the GOP has not cornered the market on stupid responses to disagreeing with another's point of view. Remember that "disagree without being disagreeable" thing? Next time you see a Yes on 8 or McCain/Palin sign in somebody's front yard or on the bumper of their car, take a deep breath and ask yourself if this type of sign or sticker has ever influenced your vote on an issue that really resonates with you. Yeah maybe you've ticked the box for some City Council member whose name you recognize from your neighbor's front lawn, but would one of those signs really change your mind on a big issue like abortion, gay marriage, or your presidential candidate? Instead of stealing their sign, or spray painting their house or car, why not leave the sign alone, and leave a flaming bag of dog poop on their front step instead?


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that down here the sign posters put doggie doo on the posters. Stealers get a shock but not the electrical kind. Imagine that on your stealthy fingers!

Steve said...

Hmmm, I guess this means you won't back me up on my $0.50/sign stolen proposition I made to Weston the other night. :-) That's fine, I was never serious about it, and I agree that vandalism of any kind is not the answer. I explained to Weston the other day as I was driving him to school that the people who feel the most desperate are the ones who are the most inclined to wave flags, display signs and try to generate attention. By this logic Prop 8 doesn't stand a chance of passing. This logic, however flawed, at least made me feel better about all those stupid signs!

Hilary said...

The local redneck down the street from us, enraged that his McCain/Palin sign had been stolen, had the following professionally printed signs made and posted around his house:
"Barack Hussain Obama supporters stole my McCain sign and violated my First Amendment Rights. If it happens again, I hope you'll understand my Second Amendment Rights."
Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy!

I For One..... said...
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I For One..... said...

Wow, that makes me all misty-eyed and nostalgic for conservative San Diego. Scary that people with fewer than two brain cells to rub together actually get to have a vote. Not only that, but it counts just as much as the votes of those of us that take the time to exercise our cerebral cortex during the voting process.

Anonymous said...

Hope you watched the R. Maddow interview with Obama. OMG!! Bill Clinton was awesome last night. Nostalgia for the good old days.

I For One..... said...

I so miss Bill Clinton and his lower lip gently bitten in moments of deep emotion. I think Obama (should he win) would make an equally brilliant prez. Hurry up 11/4!!!!!

Anonymous said...