Thursday, March 16, 2006

Mole Part II

So yesterday the mole, or former mole, began to freak me out. After having a surgical procedure to remove a severely atypical nevus these are some things you should NEVER do! Do not ever:

1: Google the words, severely atypical nevus, or:

2: Google the word, melanoma.

These things are a bad idea and may cause one or more of the following:

  1. Hysterical crying in the lap (rather than the shagging) of your husband.
  2. Excessive drinking.
  3. Ulcers, canker sores, and pimples.
  4. Memory loss.
  5. Irritation with your children.
  6. Distraction
  7. Loss of sleep
  8. Paranoia about the cough you have had for two weeks.

So don’t do them. Please. Ever.

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